National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC)

National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC)
JTAPIC Support
The National Ground Intelligence Center performs the following in support of the Joint Trauma Analysis and Prevention of Injury in Combat (JTAPIC) mission:
- Acts as the lead Intelligence element and coordinates all intelligence support to the JTAPIC Program.
- Investigates and analyzes all attacks on US vehicles, infrastructure, dismounted personnel, and when practical, foreign forces, to determine the weapon used, its employment and effect.
- Maintains trained and deployable quick reaction teams that will be capable of conducting worldwide mounted incident investigations.
- As the Army's Center of Excellence for Battlefield Vehicle Forensics and Attack Scene Investigation, develops US Army Training and Doctrine Command- approved training, tactics, techniques, and procedures. Supports developing doctrine in the area of Operational and Intelligence reporting on Attack Scene Investigation and Battlefield Vehicle Forensics on combat incidents involving vehicles.
- Executes operational and tactical control of JTAPIC Program-resourced Mounted Incident physical evidence collectors.
- Populates, manages and maintains the Combat Incident Database and populates, manages and maintains the JTAPIC Program data sharing environment to include Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- Provides Operational and Intelligence data on attacks against US vehicles and infrastructure and provides Intelligence data on attacks against US personnel to the JTAPIC Program.
- Performs event reconstruction on mounted combat events via modeling and simulation.
- Identifies trends in enemy design, development, manufacture, procurement, and use of weapons.
- Identifies to the JTAPIC Program the possible new use of enemy weapons or changes in tactics, techniques, and procedures.
- Performs and participates in the development of JTAPIC Program analysis techniques and products as required.
- Provides subject matter expertise as required.
The National Ground Intelligence Center produces and disseminates all-source integrated intelligence on foreign ground forces and related military technologies to ensure that U.S. forces have a decisive edge in current and future military operations.
The National Ground Intelligence Center is the Defense Department's primary producer of ground forces intelligence. NGIC produces scientific and technical intelligence and military capabilities analysis on foreign ground forces and systems required by warfighting commanders, force modernization and research and development communities, the Defense Department and national policymakers.
NGIC's general military intelligence mission focuses on foreign ground forces from the operational through small-unit level, maintaining detailed knowledge of current foreign ground force capabilities as well as a focus of five, 10 and 20 years in the future. It includes irregular and conventional warfare analysis examining foreign ground forces from a perspective that includes battlefield operating systems, doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, training, maintenance, logistics and order of battle.
NGIC has highly-skilled specialists such as physicists, chemists, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers in diverse fields from aeronautics to robotics - along with modelers, simulation experts, and other technical specialists who evaluate the capabilities and performance data on virtually every weapons system used by a foreign ground force, including chemical and biological weapons and future weapons concepts.
In the summer of 2001, NGIC moved to the state-of-the-art Nicholson Building, a newly-constructed facility approximately eight miles north of Charlottesville, Virginia. After the events of September 11, 2001, the 9-11 commission and the government increased the size and funding for the intelligence community expanding the NGIC workforce to more than 1,200 employees. As a result of the 2005 United States Department of Defense's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) decisions, Rivanna Station not only houses NGIC but the Joint Use Intelligence Analysis Facility where NGIC, DIA, NGA, NSA and others work in an environment of cooperation, integration and synchronization across numerous interagency and government entities.