Matrix of Partners Chart

To streamline and enhance joint Service information sharing and collaboration for the analysis and prevention of injuries in combat, the JTAPIC Program established a joint "matrixed" partnership. Subject Matter Experts stay embedded in their core organizations while their efforts are integrated and coordinated by the JTAPIC PMO. The JTAPIC program links the DoD medical, intelligence, operational, and materiel development communities with a common goal of collecting, integrating, and analyzing injury, materiel performance, and operational data to improve the understanding of vulnerabilities to threats. It also enables the development of improved TTPs and materiel solutions that will prevent and/or mitigate traumatic injuries.
The JTAPIC Program by definition is a relationship of multiple agencies coming together to prevent and mitigate traumatic injuries through a full range of military operations. Since its inception, the program has proven to be an invaluable asset to the Army and the DoD. The collaborative efforts of the JTAPIC Program have generated significant cost savings by providing combat event, injury analysis, and actionable information to Service materiel developers, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), and other senior decision makers.