Current Operations Analysis Support Team (COAST)

Current Operations Analysis Support Team (COAST), Operations Analysis Division, Analysis Directorate, Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
JTAPIC Support
Members of the COAST provide data, analyses, and operational context on forward Marine Corps operations and casualty causing events. As the Current Operations Team of Operations Analysis Division, members of COAST have been deployed in direct analytical and assessment support of the Multinational Force West in Iraq, Regional Command Southwest in Afghanistan, and the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa in Djibouti. Members of COAST have also provided short term deployed direct analysis and assessment support to the Marines of the III Marine Expeditionary Force in Japan. The analysis, knowledge, and experience resulting from the direct support of Marine Forces is shared with JTAPIC as it is needed.
- Provide Marine Corps related operations research analysis support to JTAPIC working groups and analysis products as required
- Populate JTAPIC incident database with operations data as required
- Perform and participate in the development of JTAPIC analysis products as required
- Provide subject matter expertise as required
The mission of Operations Analysis Division is to:
- Provide oversight for the Marine Corps on all matters pertaining to studies and operations analysis.
- Assist the Marine Operating Forces and other Marine Corps agencies with operations analysis support.
- Conduct a continuing program of studies and analyses to assist the Marine Corps in making combat development, programmatic, and warfighting decisions.
COAST is the Current Operations focused branch of OAD with the mission to train and deploy operations research analysts.
The Operations Analysis Division (OAD) is the Marine Corps' focal point for operations research, analytic support and studies management. It provides critical support to the operating forces and the Expeditionary Force Development System by blending a comprehensive understanding of military operations with advanced analytic and decision-making tools, to include a wide range of computer-based models and combat simulations. These tools are employed to assist DC, CD&I with his mission of creating and maintaining combat ready MAGTFs.
As a component of the DC, CD&I Analysis Directorate, the division's primary mission is to assist the Marine Corps in making decisions about weapon systems, equipment acquisition and resource allocation. A continuous program of mission area analyses, formal studies, rapid response analytic efforts, and the supervision of research projects fulfill this mission. The division provides combat analyst assessment teams for national emergencies and contingencies. The division is responsible for initiating, conducting or supervising all official Marine Corps studies, maintaining official Marine Corps scenarios, and participating in and reviewing the efforts of external activities such as the Office of Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff.